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Sans titre Copyleft Ultralab™
Courtesy galerie Magda Danysz, Paris



Paradise Island™ (version 1.15) A Voyage to the Middle of Time

From 09 October to 30 December 2007

Jeu de Paume – Paris

Ultralab™ is a fairly mysterious group of artists, doubtless created in Paris in August 2000. Keen to experiment with a new form of artistic, economic and political autonomy, its members seem to work at the borderlines between art, science and communications. They regularly invite collaborators from various disciplines to participate in their projects.

For the ‘L’Île de Paradis™ (version 1.15)’, exhibition, which is part of the ‘Terrains de jeux’ series devised by Fabienne Fulchéri, Ultralab™ created, in its own words, an ‘automatic, random and dysfunctional generator of island utopias’. This vast multimedia installation takes visitors into a Jeu de Paume that has been recreated in the style of a video game setting, full of references taken from the history of ideas, literature, art and B movies, scattered throughout the space like so many small neuronal bombs.

Exhibition curator: Fabienne Fulchéri